Guest Guide
Vipassana is a Theravada Buddhist Temple, therefore the activities must reflect and preserve the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
The Temple premises is very limited, therefore is priority preserved for Theravada monks.
1. People who stay in the temple must sign a waiver.
2. Monk arrives without notice, if there is availability, stay allowance is no more than 5 days. Before admittance, guest monk should present the ID (ID will be copied for temple's records) and fill out the “Application Temporary Stay” form (download here/Application_for_short_stay.pdf ). On the 5th day guest monk has to leave the temple. If Guest monk wants to stay longer, he then has to fill the Application for the long term stay, and must have the consent of the people in the temple.
3. Guest monk who contacted via telephone or email, is allowed to stay in less than 1 month Prior to stay, the application form is to be filled. Before admittance, the ID must be presented (ID will be copied for temple's records). Then if Guest monk wants to stay longer, He must leave the Center premises and put on a request for longer stay, then the Center' s meeting will decide to extend his stay or not. The decision will be based on the opinion of the people in the temple including monks and permanent employees in the temple, the monk who in charge will inform the guest monk of the decision.
4.. Monk who stays in the temple more than 6 days, must follow the way of living in the temple such as participates in chanting and works such as cleaning, etc .. to keep the temple in good shape.
5. In order for a monk to become a long term resident of the temple, he must stay at least 1 year at the temple, (to stay longer, see item 3 above) and has the approval of the Management Center.
6. All resident monks, including guest monks are obligated to ask permission from the chief incumbent monk of Vipassana Meditation Center to give dhamma talk. Giving Dhamma talk without a consent of the chief monk is a violation of the Center rules.
We update this guide from time to time, so please ensure that you have read the most recently updated version before your visit.