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          Meditation & Buddhist Center

Becoming a Monastic

    Becoming a Buddhist monk or nun is truly a worthwhile and meaningful way to spend your life, and to be of benefit to others. Going along with the great benefit in becoming a monastic, life of a Buddhist monk or nun caries a deep responsibility for oneself and for others. Monk Life is not easy as we thought, It has more responsibility such as keeping the precepts, practice meditation, learn Sutta, helping others in Buddhists activities, working and living with others with different levels, etc.
    Beside a full-fledged monk (Bhikkhu), in Theravada also there is a “temporary monk”. Temporary monk is a person living as monk's life in a temple for a few days, a few weeks or a few months, usually done in a meditation retreat or in a special occasion such as to gain merits to dedicate to one's parents. Temporary monk is not allowed to go outside without the permission and when outside, they must be accompanied by other full-fledged monk. And when the fixed- time is finish one has to return to a secular life. if one wants to become full-fledged monk, one must pass a minimum training process. Requirements for temporary monk are just: good health, having faith in the Triple Gem, the approval of the family (parents, or wife / husband), and off course the consensus of monks in the temple..

A new monastic application covered Has to meet the Following requirements:
1. He or she HAS to-have a reasonable understanding of Buddhism.
2. Aged 18 to 65.
3. Good health (can participate in all training programs).
4. Free form serious diseases or infectious diseases.
5. Free from debts.
6. Free from pending criminal charge.
7. Must be approved by the family (parents, or wife / husband)
8. To UNDERGO 3 to 6 month trial as a Anagarika - white-clothe lay Dignity, keeps eight (8) precepts and live at the temple. Before Applying for as a novice monk (samanera)

For more details please contact the Temple.

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